We organized “Education Awareness Campaign” with the help of our sponsored communities for the last four year. The campaign is undertaken to every possible village of the areas where we work. It was organized again in March 2019 in different areas.

The main aim of the aforesaid campaign is to make literacy a priority for children and parents. Literacy is a vital element of action against poverty, and through our work we change children's life stories. Such Awareness raising campaigns aim to create awareness on education, child labor, and poverty. Low literacy remains one of the main challenges facing our communities at remote tribal areas.

Low literacy skills increase the risk of poverty and social exclusion. Majority of our sponsored families live in villages, so this campaign is of utmost importance to all. Fortunately, our campaign has positive impact. We see now that majority of people living in villages know that education is the only way to get rid of poverty.

But due to lack of money they are not able to send their children to private schools and hence depend upon government schools for education. Every village is not provided with school which means that students have to go to another village to get education. Owing to this rural education is facing a serious crisis. Poverty is another setback to this.



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